Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sacred Space

It seems to be that bashing has become a pastime in our lives. So many rants, really reveal more of the content in our souls I think than we care to reveal. Think about it- why would you bash a gay? Because there is an issue in you. If you consider the fact that the gay lifestyle has a shorter life expectancy, and higher suicide and drug use, a reasonable compassionate person would have heart ache not condescension or hate as a response. In the same vein it amazes me how Christians will bash the church. The simple fact is the church is the bride of Christ- right? How would you like it if people were running around saying how much they love you but your wife's a witch! Friendship- over! Yet the entity that is intended to be a sacred space for meeting with God. We have heard it taught (out of context) that the body is God's temple. 1 Corinthians 3 16 is speaking of the body of Christ (not your body) and that the gathering of believers is a Holy Moment a sacred space intended for God to meet His people and His people to worship him. The verse speaks of heaping destruction upon the temple. That pauses my thoughts, and pontificating, it makes me ask, am I a destructive force in this? Do I build up the temple? Lastly, is God's presence so valuable that I am willing to die to myself for the sake of His body uniting? It all boils down to the simple fact that we have agendas, expectations and needs that we bring to the table every time we gather. The question is what do you do with those things? If you expect what is pure and true you build the house. If you don't bring that you are a tool to tear it down. So what do we die to today?