Thursday, September 20, 2007

Community, an interesting thought really because this side of eternity there is no real hard fact model of true community… we are a broken people living in a broken state. I even think Christ himself did not see true community here on earth; the only honest community Jesus knew was really his relationship with the Father and the Spirit. The three in one so in love with one another that they are lost into one. Yet these beings exist with a person all their own yet so deeply in love and so known by one another that thought and action are known and understood and felt in depth and understanding. I see community as an unattainable in fullness while we are here on earth. Or is it…

The divine invitation is extended to us all by this being of love, come and dance. Yes, dance… dance with the One who loves you and is inviting you to love so deeply that you to re lost in love. So lost you lose yourself in the vortex of the spin, and all that doesn’t matter spins off; leaving behind what is pure.

I want to get lost in that intimacy. To be known so deeply that I know my very thought is heard and known. The slightest doubt or emotion is so understood that it does not get misunderstood but is put in its proper place in our relationship.

That is possible here, because God is here. Maybe then since God is here and God is in me there can be a glimpse of community on earth. Perhaps… perhaps we just need to act that way and let relationship flow. Let it flow.