Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Advent 2009

I was reading USA today (usually I find myself avoiding the local the paper, which I affectionately call... "the fish wrap") and came across this headline "Some in $4.6B Christian industry copy designs, logos" an article about the christian "knockoff / copycat" logo industry... here's the link  http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-12-18-christian-copyright_N.htm

It's a sell out... of all the things we say, I don't the the God that is the source of creativity wants us spoofing an ad campaign. So now more then ever I am into the principles behind the Advent Conspiracy:
Worship Fully- That all of life is an act of worship.
Spend LESS - Be a steward of the powerful resources God has given you... it's all HIS! 
Give More - OF Your SOUL! Give presence not presents!
Love All - That by our love we could radically change our generation.

This is the hill to die on, God loved us so much, that he stripped himself of every power and advantage to be with us, speak to us and then redeem us. He came inside a teenage single mom, born in a barn, and changed the face of history. 

With the money we saved on gifts we are sponsoring a well for a 3rd world country. Love is a powerful thing. Join us in the story...