Wednesday, December 19, 2007

If I had the nerve...

When the cause is worth believing in the world will come to on its feet to its knees. There is a cause worth living for. People die for some of the dumbest reasons but they will live for only the most impact-ful. There is a profound problem with the understanding of God and what we hear and understand. It is like the brain sending a signal and the muscle is anxiously waiting for the signal but the nerve is disconnected and the signal never comes. The brain grows impatient at the lack of response and the muscle atrophies due to the lack of stimulation.

So we find ourselves today those of us that believe in the love of God for man. We are so frustrated at the lack of response, yet we know the message has been sent loud and clear, repeatedly. The humbling confession is really this… I am the nerve, the conduit of the message. The nerves of the body when broken will grow and try to find it’s way to re-connect with the rest of the nerve, because the signal will be sent. I need to find a way to connect with the fragments of people in my culture to re-connect them with the signal of the God that loves them. The hope that lies with in them will die if the signal is not sent, if the message never gets through. I just can’t let up, finding a way to get the message out to the ones that need to hear and move. Because once that muscle moves the recovery can begin.


Sean said...

Amen, & well said my friend. Randy said you had to go in for surgery again? Why are you so hardcore?! I hope you're all doing good in Yosemite. Get well so we can go fishing for Whitey or people.